Enough Already! The Tool Snobs Are Lying to You (And Here’s Why)

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Let me preface this by saying I'm a pastor and a hobbyist woodworker, and lately, I've had it with all the pressure to upgrade my tools. When I got started, it seemed like every YouTube video (you know: with the fancy workshop and host with a dozen top-of-the-line gadgets). By the end, I felt like a total hack with my meager setup. Lately, I’ve had to stop myself. Is this really the attitude I want to apply to my woodworking?

Here's the truth I realized: you don't need a workshop that looks like a showroom or a tool collection that would make Ron Swanson jealous to get started in woodworking. You can create amazing projects, even with a limited set of tools. We creators feel the pressure to have these things because they seem to make our videos better and help us produce content faster. But the average woodworker doesn’t need any of this!

Think about it. Take a circular saw, an edge guide, some glue, and some screws. With those bad boys alone, you can tackle countless beginner (and even some intermediate) projects! The key is to focus on using what you have to its fullest potential. There are always creative solutions to be found.

In my video, I talk about the plethora of alternative methods to do what an expensive, single purpose tool can accomplish with less expensive tools you may already have. And let's be honest, who needs a Festool Domino when a good dowel jig can get the job done just fine for pennies on the dollar?

Look, I'm not saying you should never upgrade your tools. There's a time and a place for that. But before you empty your wallet on the latest and greatest, consider these tips:

  • Be patient. Good woodworking takes time and practice. Focus on honing your skills with what you have before diving headfirst into a tool buying spree.

  • Be resourceful. Check for deals on used tools, or see if friends or family have something you can borrow. There's a good chance you can find what you need without breaking the bank.

  • Most importantly, enjoy the process! Woodworking is about the satisfaction of creating something with your own two hands. Don't get caught up in the consumerist mindset of "I need more stuff to be happy."

Want to know one comment I read all the time on Youtube that really gets under my skin? "I could have built that too, if I had a garage with $10,000 worth of tools." Sure, but that's not the point. You can probably find a way to build it with a few hundred dollars of tools too! Focus on the making, not the accumulating.

So, the next time you feel the urge to upgrade everything in your workshop, take a step back. Identify what's causing friction in your woodworking process and see if there's a way to solve it that improves your enjoyment and efficiency. Buying a new tool might be the answer, but it shouldn't be the only solution you consider.

Now, go forth and create something awesome!


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